What is IonCube? Precisely how does IonCube work and when do you really need it for your PHP apps?
IonCube Loader is a software instrument, that's needed to run files which are protected with ionCube PHP Encoder. The latter is an app employed to make PHP code human unreadable, so as to protect it from reverse engineering or not authorized use. A number of script-driven applications, particularly community forums, content management systems and electronic commerce solutions are encoded with ionCube PHP Encoder, which means that when you buy a script and you find that ionCube is one of the website hosting environment requirements, you need to make sure that your hosting server has the tool pre-installed. While it is not that hard to install it if you have your own server, it is close to impossible to do that on a shared web hosting server as the PHP environment shall have to be precompiled and all the clients on the server shall be affected.
IonCube in Shared Hosting
If you purchase a
shared hosting through our company, it'll be set up on our custom cloud platform where ionCube Loader is already set up, so you won't have any problems to run any script app which requires the tool to function appropriately. Furthermore, we offer you several different releases of PHP, therefore in case you change the version, you'll have to activate ionCube again. Our system remembers the changes you make, and when you go back to the previous version of PHP that was active for your account, ionCube Loader will already be activated. Both the PHP version and the ionCube instrument can be operated through the PHP Configuration part of our Hepsia web hosting Control Panel. Every adjustment that you do takes literally just a single click and it'll take effect without delay.